The Moorish Science Temple of America-1928, National Address to the Coronavirus Concerns

Islam & Greetings Moorish community, Friends and Supporters
The Moorish Science Temple of America-1928 / Temples of Islam is closely monitoring the coronavirus and its potential impact on our community, families, and supporters. We continue to follow the guidance and recommendations provided by the Centers for Disease Control and to stay current in what is a very fluid and rapidly evolving situation. Allow common sense guided by Allah to dictate your actions in addressing any potential threats to your community.
Coverage about the coronavirus can be troubling. We must focus on what we know about it based on data, research, and the guidance currently provided by the CDC and NOT riding on the bandwagon of, “Conspiracy Theorist, Tarot Cards and Crystal Ball Readers.
For the majority of people, the immediate risk of being exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19 is thought to be low in numbers.
There is not widespread circulation in most communities in the United States; Current reporting for the United States indicates less than 1% of the entire population has been infected and confirmed positive;
Based on several clinical reviews of the cases in China, the majority of patients experience only mild symptoms; and,
Those at increased risk are the elderly and those with underlying health conditions.
We at The Moorish Science Temple of America-1928 will continue to make informed decisions that take into account CDC guidance, local community advisories, the welfare of our Moorish Islamic community, and that provide options for the continued progress and success of informing educating and uplifting. That is why, out of an abundance of caution, we decided to cancel all upcoming community events, to include all inhouse Holyday Services, Sunday School, and Adept Classes. We will move all in-person meetings to a virtual format, which many of you are already familiar with. In moving forward, we will be cautiously and thoughtfully reviewing our in-person events and schedule services for the near future; we will have updates on any additional changes.

No doubt, we are challenged by this fluid and quickly changing situation. One of the things we can all control is our commitment to being vigilant in practicing healthy hygiene habits like thoroughly hand washing and staying home if you are sick. As Moorish Americans, it is a common practice as part of our custom to greet someone by pressing hands and/or bump shoulders. Please use care by sanitizing or washing your hands and not to engage with someone who is sick, simply greeting with your raised hand (the 5) will certainly extend the message of "Peace".
Our on-line Moorish Islamic Theocratic Institute(MITI), programs, courses, and engagement will seamlessly continue with no interruptions, our leadership and MITI instructors will continue to be focused on your success during this challenging time. We have ongoing open registration for the general public, active members must complete their 12-week orientation Spiritual Bootcamp before registering as a MITI student.
According to the Center for Disease Control/ National Institute on Occupational Safety & Health, the workplace is the number one cause of life stress. The American Institute of Stress elated reports 120,000 people die every year as a direct result of work-related stress.
Do not stress over things you can not control; however, you can use simple preventive methods. If you have questions or concerns, please contact us at, or call 888.361.2499. Our community is working closely with healthcare professionals to best advise and keep our community updated. Members of our community if you need additional support, please contact your locale leadership; we will be checking more regularly on our senior and disabled members.
We ask that you become a living prayer in your duties and obligations to Allah and your Moorish Islamic community and families, know that this too shall pass, but not without its measure of trials and tribulations. Know that Allah is leading on, for victory is assured!
We invite you to join the LIVE Stream of our public services YouTube channel: MSTA 1928
Friday Blessed Holyday Services (Every Friday): @ 7:00p/EST
Moorish Islamic Sunday School (Every Sunday): @ 2:00p/EST
Always in Peace & Forever Love in Praseis to Allah,
National Leader/ Shaykh Ra Saadi El
The Moorish Science Temple of America-1928/ Temples of Islam
Ph: 888.361.2499