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The Rise of the TRUTH!

Just recently, an all too well-known set of circumstances has yet again pulled The Moorish Science Temple of American into the dismal limelight of having association with a known domestic terrorist group (see full article below). The group is identifying itself as "The Rise of the Moors," an anti-government organization. The group claims to reflect the ideology of the teaching of Prophet Drew Ali, the founder of The Moorish Science Temple of America. It is an unfortunate act of defense that faithful Moorish American Moslems continue to find themselves having to get in front of news stories highlighting fake bootleggers making claims to be associated in some form or fashion with the M.S.T.of.A. We continue to exclaim and explain with great avidity the philosophy of The Moorish Science Temple of America regarding the teachings of Islam, nationality, and history as taught by Prophet Drew Ali. Our theology goes beyond merely quoting and forming idioms that we live according to love, truth, peace, freedom, and Justice. Our direct approach of living our faith of Islam is formulated by creating harmony in all that we do, reflected in our words, acts, and deeds. There is no gray area when it comes to the practice of Islam; there are two sides, one side of being of truth and the other falsehood. History has a way to show the start and struggle of great things, it teaches what to avoid, and the penalties in not following strict caveats meant to maintain order, protect the integrity, and preserve the culture in true form for future generations. Allow us to guide you on a faithful journey about the Moorish Science Temple of America, a show of historical relevance that will give answers to why we are constantly viewing anti-government organizations wrapping themselves up in Moorish Americans' identities. Learn why the Moorish Science Temple of America continues to be victimized by the unwarranted attachments to sovereign tax protesting above the law coward organizations and individuals. We invite you to learn a true history told by those put in charge to protect it. We will no longer sit quietly, allowing others outside of our identity and culture to rewrite our narrative to suit their subjective reasoning about whom we say we are and what our Beloved Prophet, Drew Ali represents to us. We do not need permission or acceptance from anyone to identify truthfully, respectfully, and sincerely as Moorish American Moslems. We invite you to learn about history by hearing it directly from dedicated Moorish American Moslems.

The Moorish Science Temple of America-1928 hereby declares anyone professing to be a Moorish Sovereign, Moorish National, taking up the practice of real estate squatting or this newly found group "The Rise of the Moors" are in no way affiliated with The Moorish Science of America. Statements made by these individuals and others like them should not be linking our lawfully charter organization. Furthermore, anyone attempting to do will be making inflammatory and slanderous statements. The behavior of these individuals in the Massachusetts armed standoff with police on July 3 is not and has never been a doctrine supported by our founder Prophet Noble Drew Ali. As a lawfully chartered religious body, we do not support any individual or group that will not adhere to the rule of law. For over 108 years, our core principles have remained Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice. Our complete understanding that if any of these principles are violated, Justice must be executed to the fullest extent and according to the law. We will not support or stand with anyone that deems it suitable to violate the laws of any government.

All governing bodies are invited to speak with the head of the Moorish Science Temple of America-1928, National Grand Sheik Ra Saadi El. Who is not only a Moorish Historian but has been nationally and internationally recognized as an expert on all subject matter as it relates to the M.S.T of A. He can be reached by 1-888-361-2499, and for more information on the laws and rules of The M.S.T. of A, please visit our website at

Shaykh Alii Ben Saadi Bey/ National Spokesman Grand Governess Yssis Saadi El/ National Communication Director

Register for A Special Webinar on July 18th that will explore the timeline of when the Moorish Soveigthy Movement cast its dark cloud over the Moorish Science Temple of America diaspora. This webinar will give a true account of historical events that are meant to teach, warn and empower anyone with an open heart for the truth.



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