A Conversation about Divinity

There is a surge within the Moorish American diaspora of unity within its check and balance. How can any form of unity become workable if there is an inclusion of all ideas, personalities, and immoral behavior? How can anyone whose life as a Moorish American that is an actual member within a Temple calls into question the ungodly character of others when they have not checked their ill behavior through repentance? To date there has not been any successful measure to unite Moorish Americans, the reason is that many are not willing to let go of their king/queen ambition, self-appointed positions, along with fame and fanfare. We welcome you to come and join the conversation to discuss not along with unity but another matter of concern such as what constitutes an actual Moorish Islamic scholar and why Moorish American history is so important.
We welcome you to join in the Conversation this June 7th @ 7:30pm CST