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Community Evening at the Theater

A Mystical Experience in the Levels of a Spiritual Journey~

The leadership along with a few officers and member of Grand Temple #2 together enjoyed a Saturday evening out at the Rialto Theater. Our community was invited to “The Fourth Light Project” a multimedia experience, combining live music and sacred dance (a dervish) with advanced projection techniques that respond to sound and music in real time. The Fourth Light Project focuses on the life and work of Rabia al-Basri, an eighth-century Muslim saint with claims of being the first female Sufi mystic. The experience was mystical as if being on a spiritual journey entering each level of awakening; we included a YouTude video of “The Fourth Project” as in giving a small sample of the experience. There were several folks in attendance of other faith groups who welcomed us with open arms. Of course, we took the opportunity to get a few still shots in; overall it was a super spectacular event.

The day before the actual production we were invited to attend a workshop introducing the mastic Sufi twirling meditation dance. Learning other forms of Sufi techniques of mediation and how the Sufi twirling can be incorporated into our ways of Moorish Islamic mediation was welcoming.

The Whirling Dervish- Tanya Evanson starts off the first set of twirling wearing all black representing the beginning of a physical and spiritual journey starts in complete darkness. The second set the Sister is seen twirling in all red; as red represents the trails and tribulation of any life journey, it is the developmental stage of growth and development. The last set is the Sister in all white which represents the full awakening, the purified state of absolute consciousness within the light.

The three fundamental colors are red, black and white. In the Qur'an, Surah 35 Fatir verse 27 Allah the Most Glorious One, says “among the mountains are streaks white and red, of varying colors and (others) very black”.

Allah is the Fundamental, Incomparable Light of both the Unseen and the Seen Realm.

Allah is the Pure, Primordial Light of both the Heavens and the Earth.

Allah is the Essential, Impregnated Light of both the Soul and the Body.

~ Message of the Quran

An evening spent with Moorish American Moslems is always a joy and celebration of family. We have several other community events to attend and host in the coming weeks; we trust to see a strong participation once again in celebration of our faith and culture. Peace & Love in Praises to Allah

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