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Membership within The Moorish Science Temple of America should never be taken lightly, as we are quite serious about living faithfully as a Moorish American Moslems. It is well known that within this body of The Moorish Science Temple of America-1928, we hold to a strict standard in maintaining and defending the dictates of our faith of Islam.
We are not nearly concerned with a quantity; then we are with quality; it is about the character of a person; their sincere humbleness and honesty in wanting to be part of something extraordinary and exceedingly great. People who truly want to rid themselves out of the shackles of ignorance by living under an allusion of something made up out of scorn, we welcome to gain a better understanding of self.

The Voice of The Prophet

"If you have race pride and love your race, join the Moorish science Temple of America and become a part of this Divine Movement, then you will have power to redeem your race because you will know who you are, and your forefathers were. Because where there is unity there is strength. “Together we stand, divided we fall.”


Come good people, because I the Prophet, sent to redeem this nation from mental slavery which you have now, need every one of you who this is a field open to strong men and women to uplift the nation and take your place in the affairs of men.


If the Europeans and other nations are helping me why not you. It is your problem. The Negro problem is being solved only as it can, and that is by the Moorish National Divine Movement. If you have a nation you must have a free national name in order to be recognized by this nation as an American citizen. This is what was meant it said “Seek ye first the kingdom of Heaven and all these things would be added unto you”  




                          for All Moorish American Moslem (Shaidadtain) There is no God but Allah. Prophet Drew Ali is a Prophet of Allah sent to us from Allah.


Act 6 of The Moorish Science Temple of America Divine Constitution and By Laws; each New Member must proclaim their free National Name and Religious Creed before the face of said Congregation. All members must adhere to All Laws within the Moorish Science Temple of America Divine Constitution and By Laws. ​

Declaration of Faith

"Once I connected to the True teachings of Islam as taught by Prophet Drew Ali, my Faith became stronger." 

                               of  Moorish American Moslems​ is living a faithful life of Islamism; it is the central practice of all Moorish Moslems. This means to live a life that is morally and spiritually correct and behave in a socially civilized manor in all ways and actions. Islamism is the basis of teaching those things necessary for making better citizens out of men and women.




"We Must raise Our Childern to know their True History which is not being taught in the schools, the first school for our childern Must be within the Home"


       what we have to other Moorish Temples and Groups; we encourage you to visit a Moorish Science Temples meet with the leadership and their membership; ask to see original documents dated during the time of Prophet Drew Ali; ask for the linage of the present National leader in seeing if it is traced directly back to Prophet Drew Ali.


Temple groups should have years of works within their own Communities. Any Moorish Science Temple of America National Head will have over 25+ years of continued leadership. Allow your decision to join Us be an informed decision and not one of emotions.




" Family is truly at Peace when they share in the same Faith as their way of Life. Islam is not just our Religion it is how we Love to Live"

What Our New Members can Expect


  • The Holy Koran Circle 7 w/ Official Seals  

  • Moorish Literature 

  • The Moorish Divine Constitution and By-Laws 

  • Koranic Questionnaire (The 101’s)

  • Prophet Drew Ali Oral Statements 

  • Humanity Pamphlet 

  • Introduction Guide Booklet

  • Introduction DVD's

  • Poster of Prophet Drew Ali

  • New Membership Orientation Classes

  • State of the Art Online School

  • You are placed with the MSTA1928 National Database

  • Continuous Guidance from Accredited Leaders

Along with other various items to start your journey.   




 Don't allow distance to be your excuse to become a Member.

Avoid Bootleg Moorish Temples

Don't be fooled by those seeking to mislead you with fake court documents.


If you are Truly ready begin your Journey Now.

We Worship Under Our Own Vine & Fig Tree


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888.361.2499 | 888.361.2499  |  P.O.Box 161968 Atlanta, GA 30321

© 2020 Official website of The Moorish Science Temple of America-1928 Proudly Created & Managed by Mother Is Calling Productions©

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